Move a Mountain

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This is all about believing, and having faith in God, who loves everyone and wants them to come to Him. Jesus, the Son He sent to earth to take the punishment for our sins, tells us that faith can move mountains. Mark’s Gospel chapter 11 verses 22-25 are what I always re-read when I am feeling overwhelmed and tempted to worry!

Of course, the analogy of a hill or mountain really means "a seemingly impossible situation" or "an apparently insurmountable problem". Jesus spoke in wonderful "picture language" and often used many words relating to the land and nature which his hearers would have instantly understood.

You will notice that acts of forgiveness are needed (Mark chapter 11 verse 25). St.Paul, in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 2, says that "I may have all the faith needed to move mountains - but if I have no love, I am nothing". God is not pleased with people who pray but who hold grudges against others or have hatred in their hearts.

There is the story of a woman with amazing faith. You can read it in Luke chapter 8 verses 43-48. This woman was poor, sick and shunned - poor because she had spent all her money on doctors(in vain); sick because her chronic haemorrhaging must have made her anaemic and feeling very weak; shunned because she would have been considered "unclean" in those days on account of her bleeding and would have become an outcast. She actually had to be furtive in her approach to the Lord. But Jesus came to save and heal such people. The woman reached out to Him in her distress, believing that just touching the hem of His cloak would heal her! Jesus told her "Your faith has made you well. Go in peace".

Faith is what brings us into contact with Jesus, not just "being in a crowd of people round Him" (such as, going to church to mingle and chat generally, with other worshippers). So touch Him!